Welcome to St. Mark’s United Methodist Church! Whether you participate in person, or watch online, we are excited to have you!
Below are buttons to use to access the weekly bulletin for the Sunday service. This will provide the order of the service for you to follow along with. The bulletin also includes special announcements, weekly events and upcoming programs you are invited to attend.
St. Mark’s also sends a monthly newsletter, St Mark’s Matters. This newsletter shares important information about the church at the local, district, national and international levels. If you would like to receive the emailed newsletter, please send a request to the church at office@stmarks-umc.net with a request to be added to the list.
A video recording of the most recent worship service may be found on the button entitled, “Current Worship Service”.
To attend the live service on Sunday mornings, click on this Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/stmarksumcic/ Sunday Morning services begin at 9:30 a.m. Follow along with the weekly bulletin for that service.