The community of St. Marks
lives to embrace & serve all
with the courage of Jesus Christ
to heal and reconcile ourselves and the world.
We believe in Equality
We believe in equality in the eyes of God, and all are welcome to worship with us.
St. Mark’s has voted to be a reconciling church that welcomes & celebrates all people. We believe all are people of sacred worth.
We believe in our community
We believe in using our God-given talents and resources to positively impact our community.
We believe in spiritual growth
We believe everyone in our church family has a place to connect and grow spiritually.
We believe in justice
We believe that through our faith and actions we work towards a world that is fair and just for all.
We believe in service
We believe that our service to God is an everlasting commitment.
SPRC - Staff Parish Relations Com.
This is the Human Resources committee of the church. Oversees staff and works to build good relationships between staff and the congregation. They meet monthly on a Tuesday night
The trustees take care of the physical church property. They fix things in the building as needed and maintain the property for everyone’s use. They meet monthly on a Tuesday night.
The Finance team oversees the church budget, fundraising and stewardship programs. They meet every other month. They, with the SPRC and Trustees members make up the Administrative council.
Church and Society
The Church and Society Team guides the congregation in engaging social issues in our community. We have handed out BLM signs, held voter registration days and educational speakers. We meet monthly in the afternoon
The Missions team oversees the special mission offerings taken each Sunday and encourages hands-on mission projects in the congregation.
To get involved in any of these or to inquire about small groups, please contact the church office at the email:
To learn more about the Methodist Church, click on the images to be redirected to the district and international websites:
The Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church provides information about our district with newsletters, mission trips, camp opportunities, volunteering, Bible Studies and so much more.
The United Methodist Church is a worldwide connection of more than 12 million people in Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. Learn who we are and what we are all about on this international website.
The Upper Room is a daily devotional guide. It is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spritual life of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. Copies of the bi-monthly booklet can be found at St. Mark’s, or follow along online
Meet the staff of St. Mark’s!
To learn more about each staff member, click on their name below their photo.