(319) 337-7201 office@stmarks-umc.net

From the Mailbox

Blog We welcome questions, kind suggestions and hymn requests!  Answers to questions and kind requests will be put here so everyone can learn together! From the Mailbox by sarahrohret | Jul 11, 2022 | UncategorizedBlog We welcome questions, kind suggestions and hymn...

Christmas Eve

Services at 4 & 9 PM The 4 pm service will include a children’s time and have candles and carols.  The 9 PM service will include communion with candles and carols.  Both services will be live streamed online on Facebook   Week 1 : Listening to Ourselves...

D-Hub Disciples are followers.  They study the words and actions of their teacher and apply the lessons to their own lives. St. Mark’s Discipleship Hub is here to help you do just that – study the words and actions of Jesus, our teacher, and apply them to...

Living Well Lent

Listening In a world where everyone is talking, posting, campaigning, protesting, yelling — who is listening?   This Lent take on some contemplative practices that help you tune out the garbage and really listen to God, your heart and your neighbor. Week 1 :...